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Entombment of Christ IIIF Get a closer view of this artwork
Entombment of Christ (c. 1655)
Entombment of Christ (c. 1655)
Public Domain
Luca Giordano
Artist Dates
Artist Nationality
Entombment of Christ
c. 1655
oil on canvas
127 x 169.6 cm (50 x 66-3/4 in)
K Number
Philbrook Museum of Art
Accession Number


Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d'Orléans [1747-1793], Paris, by1786 as Ludovico Carracci; sold 1791 to Edouard, vicomte Walkuers [or Walquers], Brussels; sold 1792 to his cousin, François Louis Joseph, comte Laborde de Méréville [d. 1801], Paris and London; on consignment until 1798 with (Jeremiah Harman, London); sold 1798 through (Michael Bryan, London) to a consortium of Francis Egerton, 3rd duke of Bridgewater [1736-1803], London and Worsley Hall, Lancashire, Frederick Howard, 5th earl of Carlisle [1748-1825], Castle Howard, North Yorkshire, and George Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st duke of Sutherland [1758-1833], London, Trentham Hall, Stafford, and Dunrobin Castle, Highland, Scotland; [1] by descent to the Hon Geoffrey William Algernon Howard [1877-1935], Castle Howard Yorkshire; (sold by his executors, Christie's, London 18 February 1944, no. 19 as by Ludovico Carracci); Whippell; [2] (sold, Christies, London, 1949); acquired by (Giuseppe Bellesi, London); (Count Alessandro Contini Bonacossi [1878-1955], Rome-Florence); sold to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation on 1 July 1950; gift 1961 to Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, no. 1961.9.31 [1] Early provenance expanded based on the fates of other Orleans pictures. See William Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting with a Chronological History of the Importation of Pictures by the Great Masters into England since the French Revolution, 2 vols., London, 1824: 1:1-216; Denys Sutton, "Aspects of British Collecting, Part III. XII: The Orléans Collection," Apollo (May 1984): 357-372. [2] Annotated copy of the sales catalogue in the Knoedler library. Per Philbrook, the name is J. Wippell & Co.

Catalogue Entry

Luca Giordano
Entombment of Christ

Tulsa, Okla., Philbrook Art Center (3373), since 1961. Canvas. 50 x 66 3/4 in. (127 x 169.6 cm.). Very good condition. The homage paid Ribera in K1787 might at first suggest an early dating in Giordano's career. But the quiet dignity of the composition and the accomplished execution have reasonably suggested classification with the Deposition dated 1667, at Pio Monte della Misericordia, Naples, and the signed Deposition of a similar date which belongs to the Museo del Sannio, Benevento.(1) Provenance: Contini Bonacossi, Florence. Kress acquisition, 1950.


(1) K1787 has been attributed to Giordano by R. Longhi (in ms. opinion, 1950). It is listed among Giordano's paintings in America by M. Milkovich on p. 40 of his catalogue of the 1964 Giordano exhibition at the Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, Memphis, Tenn. O. Ferrari and G. Scavizzi (Luca Giordano, vol. II, 1966, p. 91) group K1787 with the other two Depositions mentioned in the text, above, and reproduced by Ferrari and Scavizzi, op. cit., figs. 148 and 595.

Catalogue Volume

Italian Paintings XVI – XVIII Century