Hidden Stories & New Voices at the Lowe Art Museum
The Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami received a $20,000 grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation in 2019 for Hidden Stories – New Voices, a project that invited students at the University of Miami to respond to paintings from the Lowe Art Museum’s Kress Collection and paired those responses with traditional art historical information. The result of this initiative is the recently launched Hidden Stories – New Voices digital interactive platform.
Because student input was essential to the success of Hidden Stories – New Voices, students were engaged directly in classrooms, through email campaigns, and at events. Their responses have been amalgamated within the digital interactive platform, along with more traditional curatorial information, all of which is made freely available to users of the digital application whether onsite, in the Lowe’s Kress Galleries, or online.
Featuring high-resolution images and interactive content, Hidden Stories – New Voices highlights twelve works from the Lowe’s Kress Collection. Each artwork is contextualized through its historical significance, contemporary connections, and symbolism. While exploring the interface, current users can also share their own responses to the works.
Once it is safe to do so, an onsite touchscreen kiosk featuring the platform will also be placed in the Lowe’s Kress Galleries where visitors can explore the paintings in extremely high resolution (affording them a chance to see details that may escape the naked eye) in addition to clicking on targets to launch aggregated materials.
The Lowe created the Hidden Stories – New Voices platform in collaboration with CultureConnect.
The Hidden Stories – New Voices platform can be viewed online at https://kress-collection.lowe.yourcultureconnect.com/e/home.